Your Life, Connected.

Fulcra intelligently unifies your personal data—health, fitness, calendar, locations, and more—into one beautifully designed app, revealing unique insights and perspectives about your life story.

Your personal data is trapped in silos, scattered across devices, platforms and accounts beyond your control.

Siloed health data, disjointed sleep stats, scattered mental health factors, and manual compilation of tracked data…

Fulcra seamlessly consolidates all of your siloed data streams into one central platform to connect, analyze, and optimize your unique life.

Simply connect all of your favorite devices and apps in seconds

+ dozens of others

Insights at your fingertips

Surface illuminating patterns across your calendar, diet, sleep, location history, biometrics and more—empowering you to unlock the secrets of what makes you, you.

Discover how that extra morning coffee disrupts your HRV. See how a late night snack ruins your deep sleep. Or how taking a new supplement boosts your workout recovery.

Your personal time capsule

Measure the unmeasurable with Fulcra’s data time capsule, effortlessly preserving your life's essence for your future assistant. It's like banking stem cells for future breakthroughs - an investment in your future self.

The more context your AI has, the more transformative its insights will be. Automatically capture the data that matters, without extra work.

coming soon
Shared awareness, amplified impact

Selectively share your personal insights with your inner circle, so the people in your corner can help you become the best version of yourself.

Grant your personal trainer visibility into your sleep and nutrition data to optimize your fitness regimen. Loop in your doctor to your step count and heart rate to inform treatment plans.

Unlock the power of you

Everything you need to understand yourself, optimize your well-being, and achieve your goals, all in one place, allowing you to see everything in the context of everything else.

Context App

Effortlessly collect and clean your data from various sources, making it ready for analysis and exploration.


Visualize your life's data in a single, intuitive view, allowing you to spot patterns and make meaningful connections.

Life API

Connect your personal data to any AI or analytical tool, from Google Collab to ChatGPT, and unlock unprecedented insights.

Your Co-Pilot premium

Partner with a dedicated Data Science Concierge for tailored insights and data collection based on your unique data and AI goals.

Pioneers of personal growth run on Fulcra

Innovators, life hackers, and data-driven decision makers use Fulcra to unlock their potential and live life on their own terms.

Raj started tracking his his blood sugar patterns after seeing great results from lifestyle bloggers about this. But viewed in a vacuum, the data wasn't very helpful. With Fulcra's Timeline feature showing glucose levels with sleep, exercise, and his work schedule together, Raj saw how his blood sugar responds to the stress in his life.

Loading all her data into a computational notebook using Fulcra's Life API, Alicia used PyTorch LSTMs for time series regression, exploring whether her sleep, calorie burn, resilience score, and number of meetings in a day, taken together, are predictive of her next week's work performance.

Charles, a passionate life-logger, spent hours manually analyzing his siloed data for insights. Fulcra’s Context App and Life API revolutionized his process by integrating data sources and providing customizable dashboards, enabling him to uncover patterns and optimize his life effortlessly.

Sarah, a quantified self enthusiast, wanted to analyze how various factors influenced her mental well-being but was hindered by scattered data. Fulcra's Context App and Timeline reveals hidden triggers and habits, empowering Sarah to cultivate a balanced lifestyle.

The future is personal

Fulcra is your personalized portal helping you understand the past, optimize the present, and prepare for what's ahead. Own your history. Control your privacy. Craft your trajectory.